Privacy Policy

  1. IDENTIFYING DATA: In compliance with the duty to inform collected in the article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of July 11, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data is included hereafter: the company name is FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO. with VAT B27819937, and address in Avda. García Barbón 62, Bloque 1, Entresuelo, 36201, Vigo (Pontevedra), with email address
  2. USERS: The access and/or use of this site of FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO attributes the status of USER. This user accepts, from said access and/or use, the General Terms of use reflected herein. Said conditions will be applied independently from the General Contractual Conditions which are of obligatory compliance.




Purpose  Management of the request

Legitimacy Contract enforcement / provision of services


The data will not be released to third parties without previous authorization, except for exclusions predicted by Law.


You can exercise your right to access, rectify, suppress, limit and oppose the provided data as it is indicated in the additional information.

Additional information

You can check the additional and detailed information about Protection of Data by clicking on the following link



Responsible Who is the Responsible for the data processing?


Address: Avda. García Barbón, 62, Bloque 1, Entresuelo, 36201, Vigo (Pontevedra)

Phone number:  986 44 73 84

Email address:

Purpose What’s the purpose for the personal data processing?

At FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO we handle the information provided to us by the interested persons with the purpose of managing and handling the requested services.

We will not handle automatized data in order to tailor profiles.

How long will we be keeping your data?

The personal data provided by the user will be preserved as long as its suppression is not requested by the interested party.

Legitimacy  The legal base for the handling of your data is the execution of your request, the development and execution of the contractual and pre-contractual relationships established with you, as well as the compliance with the legal obligations which are applicable to FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO

Addressees  Will my data be released?

FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO will not pass data to third parties without previous authorization, except for  specific occasions in which the Public Administration requires the data from FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO by Law.


The user will be able to exercise the right to access, rectify, suppress, limit and oppose the provided data, according to the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Data Protection, by redacting a document in which the right willing to be exercised is specified. The document must be addressed to the corporate address mentioned above; a document proving its identity must be included and both documents must be submitted to the email address


Also, the interested party is allowed to file a complaint before the Control Authority.

In compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Data Protection, we communicate the user that the personal data provided voluntarily by any of our means of data collection will be incorporated into the Automated Processing Personal Data Activities owned by FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO in order to offer our services and keep you informed about questions relative to the activity of the company and its services. The fields highlighted with ‘‘*’’ are mandatory, so the lack of filling of fields will not allow the user to access several services or information offered in the site. The data contained in said fields will be treated confidentially. FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO complies with the current legislation in terms of protection of personal data, and the confidentiality agreement specific to its activity.

FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO. has adopted technical measures in order to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data and the circumstances processed in order to avoid its alteration, loss, process and non-authorized access as much as possible and always according to the status of the technique. In order to manage the processing mentioned before, it might be necessary for us to release the data to companies in charge of its processing, collaborators and public administration (which may need to verify the data)

In case the USER provides the personal data, referred to natural persons different from themselves, the USER will need to previously inform them of the contents of the present clause, according to the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Protection of Data.

FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO as the responsible for the Processing of the Activity, guarantees the right to access, rectify, suppress and oppose the provided data according to the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Protection of Data, the USER will be able to exercise their rights at any time by redacting a document addressed to our corporate address, attaching a copy of the National Identification Card or Passport.

FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO guarantees that all commercial communications addressed to its clients comply with the current legislation.

This is why, in compliance with the Law 34/2002 of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and the General Law 9/2014 of Telecommunications, the USER is informed that FUNDACIÓN GARCÍA CHILLÓN ORLANDO will be allowed to send you information electronically about products and services of interest to which you are providing consent.

You will be able to revoke this authorization at any time by sending an email to